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Our Mission

" provide one of the finest girls' softball programs in and around the Omaha metro area. We provide a wholesome activity for summer enjoyment where girls can learn in an athletic atmosphere, establish friendships outside their neighborhoods, and prepare for future softball endeavors, if they choose, in our recreational or competitive leagues. We welcome you to our program and look forward to seeing you at the park."


Our softball program started in the early 1960's consisting of four teams.  Our Headquarters are located at: 80th and Park Drive, Ralston, Nebraska.  The Ralston Girls' Softball Association, Inc. is registered with the State of Nebraska and governed by a locally-elected board of directors.  

P.O. Box 27413
Ralston, NE 68127




Ralston Girls Softball Association Home Facilities


Crown Field is the last field in the complex coming down Park Drive off of 84th street (78th & Park Drive). The restrooms are located on the west side of the field on the back side of the snack shack. If they are not open, you will need to use the restrooms located on the northwest side of Wager Field.

Click on this image for directions


Wager Field is just east of the park area (80th & Park Drive). The restrooms are located on the northwest side of the field.  Seating consists of benches.  The snack shack is located on the west side of the field and has restrooms attached (these are locked when concessions is not open).

Click on this image for directions


Ralston Middle School fields are located off of Lakeview Street on the west side of the Middle School (81st & Lakeview). There are three fields as part of the complex identified by color (Red, White, and Blue).

Click on this image for directions